Friday, 23 April 2010

Sydney, here we come.

Here is my brood on the platform at Circular Quay Station last time we called on Sydney.  You just can't help loving that view of the Harbour Bridge... and the Opera House... and the whole vista - ferries, Luna Park across the way, the esplanade in front of the Museum of Contemporary Art and the gorgeous green of the Domain and the Gardens.  It all just sits together so well. 

We are off again, more than six months later, for a quick overnight trip for some serious and diverse entertainment involving rugby for the boys and ballet for me. Right now I must pack the bags and fuss over what snacks to take and what activities to arrange for the journey.   This is not my favourite part of travel.  I can get car sick before the journey starts just running around sticking things in bags and planning for all contingencies.

This time, however, the children have been mobilised to pack for themselves and I am feeling a weight lifted.  Growing up has its advantages.  See you when we return.

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