Friday, 24 June 2011

{this moment}

this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Inspired by Soule Mama.

Image: Usual Friday night, after swimming lessons, outside the Australian Institute of Sport


  1. It's always strange for me to see winter in your part of he world, when here we are in plain summer.. Very nice moment :)

  2. She looks so victorious! One more swimming lesson conquered! Happy weekend, Gulls!

  3. Wet hair and a puffy parka! Yep, that's swimming lessons in winter :-)
    Couldn't be bothered taking mine to their lessons last night night - would have meant diving into the city to get them from hubby's work (they finished school at 1pm) and then driving back out to swimming by 5:15 - or sit at home and have a coffee...wasn't sure I could make it anyway (that's my excuse!!)
    have a great weekend Deborah

  4. "Look at me!" Great photo!
