Wednesday, 15 June 2011

Business as usual

"'Have you invented a plan for it?' Alice inquired.
'Not yet,' said the knight."
Through the Looking-glass.

Busy down the coal mine and a bit exhausted at the moment.  Hardly had time to check what has been happening in this virtual space.   We took a bush walk recently on the Deakin side of Red Hill.   Met up with some pooches, passed a reservoir, took in stupendous views of the surrounding hills and stared back at some lazy wallabies. 

Charly is obsessed with making pom-poms and is asking for advice on knitting scarves.  Eek!  Little one is gearing up for her 7th birthday party this weekend.  Bigger eek!! Ro-Ro is angling for a Nerf gun and continues to plough through Biggles and Lemony Snicket -- all derring-do and intrigue -- as light bedtime reading.   I wonder what he dreams? 

No particular plans are being hatched.  School holidays are looming in a month and we have a few friends visiting from afar.   The old -- well actually not that old -- Electrolux washing machine burst a valve and the brand spanking new Miele is humming like a luxury BMW engine in a glassy showroom.  There are no virtues attached to hand washing and patronising laundromats.  I took the Choice consumer survey at its word and went straight for the top scoring brand based on dirt removal,  rinse performance, water efficiency, spin efficiency and gentleness.  After a week without a machine, I plan to wallow in fresh-smelling, crisp laundry every night this week and sort the whites and colours with a smile and gleeful skip instead of the usual scowl.  Sounds like a {tragic} plan after all.

1 comment:

  1. Oh no - no washing machine! How awful (I went a few weeks without one when we moved house...blah!!!)
    Good luck with the birthday party :-)
