Sweet Silence After Bells
~ Christopher Brennan
Sweet silence after bells!
deep in the enamour'd ear
soft incantation dwells.
Filling the rapt still sphere
a liquid crystal swims,
precarious yet clear.
Those metal quiring hymns
shaped ether so succinct:
a while, or it dislimns,
the silence, wanly prinkt
with forms of lingering notes,
inhabits, close. distinct;
and night, the angel, floats
on wings of blessing spread
o'er all the gather'd cotes
where meditation, wed
with love, in gold-lit cells,
absorbs the heaven that shed
sweet silence after bells.
Meantime, the girls stayed home and watched YouTube clips of Glee song videos (we so love Glee songs, we do) and played Junior Monopoly. It was a ruthless game. Little Wanna hasn't quite grasped the importance of abiding by rules and losing gracefully, so there were some shrill moments. She whispered to the dice for a "Six, six", reluctantly paid her bills and wanted to keep one colour of each play money note.
It was a simple game and still there were disputes. It was a relief when it ended. I'm exhausted.
Little Wanna won 61 to 57.
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