Peace, quiet and rest is her message,
Tired scenery heeds her call;
This gracious lady of Autumn,
Loveliest season of all.
Pamela Summers
My latest online obsession is TheFancy.Com. It's been suggested it will be a strong rival to Pinterest and appeal more to men. I do prefer its unfussy look.
My 11 yo thinks it pretty cool too. She shares my love of images although her focus is on photograghs of rad swimming pools, miniature terriers and lego constructions, and the thrill of sharing it with girl friends on the ipod. She's enjoying a far richer slide-show before her eyes than the black and white world of my childhood.
Didn't Autumn come around quickly? I could do with that stamp. This year has me flummoxed. No stable work routine. Home activities all over the place. Still no decision on the blinds.
Image: Office Speak Rotating Stamp
Quote: On my desk calendar 2 March 2012
MOTH asked me the other night what Pinterest was. 3 days later, I'm still trying to explain & 3 days later he still hasn't got it. If you've got the answer for him in one easy sentence, I'd be ever so grateful Deb!
ReplyDeleteMillie xx