Sunday, 3 April 2011

My Dream

My Dream
~ Author unknown

I dreamed a dream next Tuesday week,
    Beneath the apple-trees;
I thought my eyes were big pork-pies,
    And my nose was Stilton cheese.
The clock struck twenty minutes to
    When a frog sat on my knee;
I asked him to lend me eighteenpence,
    But he borrowed a shilling of me.

Gosh.  End of daylight saving and we gained an hour yesterday.  Wouldn't it be great to gain an hour EVERY week-end!  What a difference that one hour makes.   Better not waste it.  I'm off early to the coal mine and hope to leave at a respectable hour to collect the offspring instead of skidding in to After School Care at one minute to six, as I usually do.  Hopefully we can stay an hour ahead of ourselves all day.   This will be a test.

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with that Deborah. Mine's well and truly gone already!
