Monday, 1 November 2010

Racing away

The Old Timer's Steeplechase (an excerpt)
~ Andrew Barton Paterson

Then the last time round! And the hoofbeats rang!
And I said, "Well, it's now or never!"
And out on the heels of the throng I sprang,
And the spurs bit deep and the whipcord sang
As I rode. For the Mooki River!

We raced for home in a cloud of dust
And the curses rose in chorus.
'Twas flog, and hustle, and jump you must!
And The Cow ran well -- but to my disgust
There was one got home before us.

Old curmudgeon that I am, I really don't like the Melbourne Cup and the frenzied enthusiasm and forced workplace socialising.  I'm thinking I need to do some library research today, or volunteer for the audit commitee, or book the dentist, or help... schedule something, anything, to escape the fascinators, sellers of sweep tickets and trays of chicken drumsticks. Grandma loved a flutter on the gee-gees and did very well betting on the jockey's colours, but I just don't get it. 

It's also Valuing Diversity Day at school which is an opportunity to celebrate other cultures.  Today it involves various activities in rotation and tomorrow a food-fest. That sound like more fun. 

Photo by me: Zebra by Canberra scupltor, Alan Aston.

1 comment:

  1. I'm with you Deb. The looks I got yesterday at work when I said I wouldn't 'play' and wear a hat. I said the crochet rock might be as close as I got but wasn't sure how I'd keep it balanced all afternoon! At least I have a tender to write that should keep me out of trouble. Hope you survive :)
