I always felt that if I made a movie, it would be one movie; I didn't see how they could make 26 swimming movies.
Esther Williams
Regular Friday night ritual. Swimming lessons.
Always a rush. We hurtle into the hot, moist conservatory, air plump with chlorine and the hum of voices. Dump bags, kick off shoes, fuss over caps and strap on goggles. The children disperse to separate lanes and greet their water-logged instructors.
Lessons have been miraculously scheduled to start at the same time, but end at fifteen minute intervals. There is a blissful thirty minute lull when I am still, perched on a hard ledge, eyes flitting between classes, smiling encouragingly and giving thumbs up signs when our glances collide. Broad grins, eager faces and smooth, shiny bodies.
Their strokes are still uncoordinated and self-conscious. Arms are rigid and tense, movements jerky. Hands hit the water like paddles. Kicking is loose-limbed, the water turbulent in their wake. This is a skill to be acquired through method and practice. But in their free play, they duck dive to the bottom and swirl like seals.
So it goes on. Week by week, as they gradually master the techniques, gain strength and speed. I'd like to take a book and read, or make lists like other parents do. Do something useful with the time or simply stare into the middle distance lost in my own thoughts. But it's captivating to witness their incremental progress. It would be a shame to miss it.
It's also amusing from my poolside position to pick winners. That is, to search for and locate the natural swimmers. The long, slim ones who float to the top full-length and glide along the surface with ease, as if the water offered no resistance at all. Good swimming is an artistic performance. All the pool's a stage.
i really enjoyed reading that- as i have such mixed thoughts on swimming and kids...they all, without exception, should learn to swim...but the happiness of *play*in the pool or the ocean- is magic...as you said- they become *seals*....our littlest has never had a swimming lesson {yet}- but to see her jump off the back of a boat from an island in greece and to stare back up at me grinning with her dad, in that ultramarine water is what the *love of water is all about*...you are soo right to not read- its such a wonderful thing to learn to swim- you can write a list any time- how lovely a mother are you...x
ReplyDeleteAhh, you have just described our Wednesday night ritual. Ours are spaced from 5pm through to 6.30pm. By the last one I am a teeny bit over it and a bit sleepy from the lovely warm damp air. Isn't it precious to see the wonderful progress our little people make each week.
ReplyDeleteOh girls. I love this. An inland (?) Aussie in Country Victoria and an expat in the 'wild of Northern England' responding to a post on swimming. How 'dinkum' are we, with a healthy respect for water, acknowledging the pleasures and the dangers. Thanks for taking the time to comment.
ReplyDeleteOh, I would love to have this for a Friday night ritual! It sounds ever so lovely! Glad to find your lovely little world, I'm following, and look forward to hearing about your other rituals!