Monday, 25 January 2010

G'Day, G'Day

We made our traditional Australia Day trip to the edge of Lake Burley Griffin for the official flag raising and citizenship ceremony.  Australia's Federation Guard, the premier ceremonial unit of the Australian Defence Force, conducted a Royal Guard and used blank ammunition to fire a 21 gun salute prior to an F/A-18 fighter jet fly past to mark the raising of the flag on the giant flagpole at Regatta Point. The Band of the Royal Military College of Australia also performed.

On a windless day and from a distant vantage point on the opposite side of the lake, it was hard to appreciate the full effect of the occasion, but there was certainly no disappointment when the jets roared overhead and cannons fired. 

G'Day, G'Day
       by Slim Dusty

Isn't great to be an Aussie
Takin' a walk along the street
Lookin' in shops or buyin' a paper
Stoppin' and havin' a yarn with people that you meet

Down at the pub or at a party
Whenever you're stuck for what to say
If you wanna be dinky-di, why don't you give it a try
Look 'em right in the eye and say goo'day

G'day g'day, how ya goin', what d'ya know, well strike a light
G'day g'day, and how ya go-o-o-in'
Just say g'day g'day g'day and you'll be right

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